
Many of the people I meet tell me that they struggle to create effective marketing messages for their brand. For entrepreneurs, especially those who are working solo to run their business, it can be extremely difficult to have an unbiased and objective perspective. 

Using Generative Ai tools, like ChatGPT, will allow you to get a fresh perspective on your brand. You are likely to get new ideas, overcome writer’s block, and create some very impactful key marketing messages for your business.

So launch a new chat and come along with me for the next 20 minutes or so, to refine your brand and create some excellent new marketing messages for my imaginary Greek taverna in London. And, for your business!

Jump to: 

Brand Identity and Brand Voice: Why Does It Matter?

Brand voice is the consistent style, tone, and words you use to communicate your values and connect with your audience across all channels. It’s the personality of your business, expressed through language.

A well-defined brand voice is essential for building recognition, trust, and loyalty. It shapes how your audience perceives your brand, influencing their decisions.

By aligning your tone of voice with your brand identity, you create a cohesive and authentic experience for customers. This consistency reinforces your brand’s values and messaging, making it memorable and distinctive in a crowded marketplace.

Marketing Messages: An Introduction

A marketing message is the core idea that encapsulates your brand’s value proposition. It’s a clear and compelling statement that resonates with your target audience.

A powerful marketing message considers the unique selling point of your business, addressing a specific customer pain point or desire. It should be memorable, persuasive, and aligned with your brand identity.

From the snappy tagline on a social media post to the carefully crafted headline of a website, marketing messages are everywhere we look. Marketing messages must be consistent with your brand identity to strengthen your impact. So we will work with both of these concepts in our exercise today. 

Refine Your Brand With ChatGPT In 20 Minutes Or Less

Start your conversation with ChatGPT to refine your brand tone of voice

If you want to get good results out of a Generative Ai tool like ChatGPT, you need to give it some good prompts. I have shared my top tips for using ChatGPT for beginners in my blog. I designed the prompt below to set up the persona, give some context, and flip the interaction. 

Paste this prompt in ChatGPT: 

You are my copywriter. Help me define the tone of voice for my small business. Ask me questions about my business to help you understand my mission, unique selling point, and how I want to speak to my audience. When you have enough information, describe my ideal brand language. I would like to know the tone of voice, the key messages, and the words and messages I should avoid using in my brand.

This prompt includes the following elements: 

  • Persona: by asking ChatGPT to be our copywriter, we are giving the instruction that will focus the kind of output that we get. ChatGPT will know to draw from the areas of the information that relate to business, marketing, and copywriting. 
  • Context: We are explaining to ChatGPT that we want our key messages to include unique information about our mission, USP, and audience. 
  • Flipped Interaction: We ask ChatGPT to ask us questions about the topic that we want to develop. This will direct ChatGPT to specific questions that will focus on drawing the unique value proposition of our business. This will make our marketing key messages a lot more impactful. 

Respond to ChatGPT’s questions about your brand

In most cases, ChatGPT will give you 10-15 questions to understand more about the following topics: 

  • Mission and vision
  • Unique Selling Point (USP) and Unique Value Proposition (UVP)
  • Audience 
  • Communication channels

My top tip is to copy these questions and paste them into a word processing tool like Google Docs or Microsoft Word. I do this for a simple reason: taking the conversation out of ChatGPT puts less pressure on me to respond. Writing somewhere outside of the chat box will give you space (literal and figurative) to think carefully about your responses.

Thanks to the flipped interaction pattern that I used in the prompt, ChatGPT asked me some questions like these:

  • How do you envision your business evolving in the next 5-10 years?
  • If your brand were a person, how would you describe them? (e.g., friendly, professional, quirky, etc.)
  • How do you want your audience to feel when they interact with your brand?

ChatGPT analysed my initial prompt and, considering the context I gave it, asked me some great questions to uncover the true marketing messages of my brand. 

You can see all the questions that ChatGPT asked me in the public link of the chat here: Defining Brand Tone | ChatGPT.

A screenshot of a ChatGPT conversation where it asked us 12 questions about our business to help us create key marketing messages
by flipping the interaction, we asked ChatGPT to ask us questions about our business. This meant that we were able to give ChatGPT some very rich data about our business.

Review your tone of voice: how does it sound? 

For this exercise, I imagined that I am opening my own little Greek restaurant in London. I wrote my responses and sent a lot of rich (imaginary) context back to ChatGPT. After that, it responded with a reflection of how it understands my brand. This will be paraphrasing the data that you sent in the previous step. It may not seem like ChatGPT is adding a lot here, but it is.

Reflecting on what you said and hearing it back from a neutral observer like ChatGPT is an excellent way to sense-check your ideas. 

If there is something there that does not sound right, you can go back to your responses and refine that. I was not very impressed with the very first iteration of my key messages, so I asked ChatGPT to give me some more. Eventually, I also asked ChatGPT to include some specific topics and themes that I am particularly keen to include in my brand. 

ChatGPT crafting a suggested marketing message for our business in north American English. This text is a little generic.
I found this response from ChatGPT quite generic. So I will have another go working on the tone and key messages. ChatGPT is also writing in north American English, so I need to change that to UK!

Refine the results: what else matters to your business? 

After a little back-and-forth, I realised that ChatGPT was not engaging the political and societal aspects of my brand. So, I simply asked it to generate some more examples of key messages that would do that. I asked it to focus on accessibility, and also to speak about the influences that other cultures have had on Greece over the millennia. 

If you find that ChatGPT misses an important element of your brand, simply ask ChatGPT to focus on that area.  

A snapshot of a ChatGPT conversation where we refined the brand identity of my imaginary business
ChatGPT focused on the diversity elements of my brand and gave me ideas about engaging important political topics through the aspect of food.

More Prompts! What Marketing Messages Will You Create Next? 

Now that ChatGPT knows a bit about your business, you can use this chat to generate some specific marketing key messages for your brand. Remember – marketing happens in everything you say and write about your business. Check out some common areas below. I am also giving you suggested prompts, following some of my top tips for using ChatGPT for small business.

Email Marketing Prompt

You are the marketing manager at my [insert business, for example “boutique hair salon” or “organic hair product business”]. I want you to create a 4-step customer journey to introduce new subscribers to my business. I want the journey to follow the AIDA model of marketing – Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. Create an outline of the titles of each email, directions and ideas about what to include.

Instagram Campaign Ideas Prompt

You are my social media manager and an Instagram expert. Help me increase the reach of my instagram page. I would like you to suggest some ideas for creative ways that we can engage our users to interact with our content and share it with their families and friends. Create 5 campaigns that I could post on my instagram page, with copy and image suggestions. Utilise the functions that are available in Instagram stories.

Website Copy Prompt

You are my copywriter and an expert at developing accessible websites. Help me create the About Us page for my website. Use the information that I have sent you so far about my mission and vision for my business to create relevant content for this page. Give me an outline of the structure of the page, with copy and image suggestions. Make sure that there are sufficient calls-to-action that will drive users to the page of my website where they can [insert conversion here – for example, “place an order in my online shop” or “book a table using our bookings page”].

See The Chat In ChatGPT

I hope you were able to follow-along with the article. You can see the exact chat that I created for this exercise here: Defining Brand Tone | ChatGPT


In this blog, I showed you how to use Generative Ai tools like ChatGPT to refine your brand and improve your marketing. The point of this exercise is to get us unstuck and help us see our marketing efforts from a new angle. 

Use tools like ChatGPT to gain a new perspective on your marketing key messages. Use it as a starting point to refine your brand – take away the results and refine them further with your team or business mentor.

That’s all folks!

I hope that you enjoyed this short experiment with ChatGPT! If you had a go, how did it go? Did you enjoy learning more about your brand? 

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